
Upcoming Events

Photo: Chris Rose

  • Work Party; September 13th, 14th

FLPA work party this September! We have put over a hundred hours into scraping, caulking and patching the building. In the second half of August and leading up to the work party, we will be sanding, filling, and possibly priming. At the work party, we will paint the building!!! There is nothing better than an FLPA work party, so check your calendar! Come for a couple of hours or the whole darn weekend! All skill levels needed. If you want to participate, please send us an email. All volunteers are required to sign a liability waiver at the event, and follow all safety protocol. We promise you will have a great time at the work party and be showered with praise and admiration for pitching in!

  • Fly ins

Lone Pine has an annual backcountry fly in, which happens this year October 4,5,6. It is put together by a group of aviators, and is NOT run by FLPA. FLPA supports the event, providing resources and hospitality.

If you have a group putting together a fly in that plans to come to Lone Pine, let us know and we’ll post it here. We would like to have some events this year where folks with experimental airplanes can display their flying machines to the public and receive a participation certificate for tax purposes. If you want in on organizing this, reach out.

History of Events

FLPA has hosted multiple work parties at the airport, and provides hospitality for the Lone Pine Backcountry Fly-in. We look forward to the 5th Annual Lone Pine Backcountry Fly-this year October 4-6. Below is a picture of the jam session at the 2022 Fly-in.