
Terminal Building; External Restoration

In January 2024, FLPA was awarded $5000 from the CPSP (community project sponsorship program), to be used for the external restoration of the airport terminal building.  Several FLPA work parties this summer have brought together enthusiastic volunteers to scrape, caulk, and patch the exterior of the building. The front facing picture window has been replaced with double paned glass, and panes replaced in the office windows. We are ordering the exterior doors, and will move on to sanding and patching in the second half of August. We have another work party scheduled in September and hope to be ready to paint the building over the weekend.

Terminal Building; New sign on the roof

FLPA, in cooperation with the County of Inyo, is designing a new sign for the roof of the terminal building, which will be replaced this year. The sign will be fabricated from metal and have a silhouette of the Sierra Range on the top. This project is made possible by a generous donation from a local resident. We hope to have the sign installed by the fly in this October. Stay tuned for pictures as this develops.

Terminal Building: Interior Restoration

Room by room, FLPA will undertake restoring the interior of the terminal building, starting with the Pilot’s Lounge.  The original wood floor will be restored, the walls patched and painted, with new fixtures and lighting.  The furniture will be replaced with some classic, vintage furniture that suits the character of the building.  Glass and a French door will replace the boarded up interior windows, allowing a view into the classic 1950s office area. Following the Pilot’s lounge, FLPA will continue room by room, bringing this charming building back to its original character with a modernized twist.  If you have skills that can contribute to this project, please, contact us! Volunteers are the foundation of our organization, and the more help we have, the more fun we have.

Youth in Aviation Events 

This year, we hope to host our first of many Youth in Aviation events, bringing the world of aviation to the minds of the younger generation of Owens Valley.  Bringing professional aviators to speak at the high school, and having a Youth in Aviation day at the airport are two ideas we would like to manifest this year.  Down the road, we look forward to creating an aviation based STEM program in Lone Pine.  If you would like to be involved in this project, please send us an email and stay tuned for more details. 

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Projects History

The Outdoor Bathroom Restoration Project; completed September 2023

With a generous grant from the RAF (recreational aviation foundation), and in cooperation with the County of Inyo, FLAP completed the restoration of the outdoor bathrooms in 2023.  Boarded up for over a decade, this small outbuilding got a complete overhaul with FLPA volunteer Brian Forbes undertaking the lion’s share of the work.  With additional volunteer labor from Joost VanStarrenburg, the roof and flashing was replaced, the building patched and painted, the interior stripped, sealed and painted, and a new distressed metal ceiling, lighting, toilets, and plumbing was installed.  The County provided the roofing material and two new metal doors with keypad locks.  A wooden pallet facade was created between the two doors, and finally, a mural was painted on the front of the building by local artist Jude Greenburg.  These bathrooms have significantly enhanced the airport campus!

Renovated Bathroom, 2023

Jude Greenberg working on the mural

Brian Forbes, Project Lead

Local Artist Jude Greenberg created a mural on the outside of the bathrooms.

Before Renovation

FLPA Work Parties -  2022/2023

Over the course of the past two years, FLPA has held multiple work parties addressing issues at the airport.  The sprinkler system for the lawn was repaired, and the lawn was fertilized and reseeded.  Weeds were pulled and debris hauled away.  The sign along the highway was repainted, the terminal building was painted, the terminal building was cleaned up, including tearing out old rugs, removing old equipment and cleaning, and more!  It feels great to get the airport campus looking clean and cared for.  

Volunteers celebrating finishing the Lone Pine Airport sign.

A job well done. Renovated Terminal Building

Interior of newly renovated Terminal Building